Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

maa schooll

I have a research about my school..
The tittle is: the priority of facilities what has been in Madani Senior High School

Madani Senior High School is my school. At that place I study about many things in this world. This school stand up at jalan Soekarno-hatta Bumi roviega residence, Palu town, central Celebes in Indonesia. This school is the new school. This school has stand up for 4 years, or since April 2005 . This school has National standard School and I hope can be International Standard School in next year. I’m is the fourth generation of this school.
Our first generation has finished at that school. the presentation of this graduation is 100%. That’s are amazing score for new school. that’s all can’t do without our teacher, and our facilities in this school.
This school has reach many medallion on province and national Olympic. And now, there is a student will go to International Olympic at the geologic subject. I thinks that’s awesome, u know. Cause, this school is really really new school..

3 komentar:

  1. hey...I agree with u..about our new school...hmm..I hope too... our school gonna be an International high school..,and about our school's achievement..I think so...

  2. @ ufik,, sdh internasional toh.. :))
    smoga bisa lanjut terus ini skolah..
    Smoga muridnya nda tambah banyak jg. Hehe
